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Day | Night

See Writing (Night) for further thoughts, or Audio (Night) for recorded thoughts

As for what I would've done for the drawing and musical notation, because at least I can describe it, even if I can't draw it. I would describe - musical notation probably would have been smudged over entirely with the grey lead pencil and then I would have drawn little points rising in and out of that, of that smudge. Smudge being the white-noise background of the traffic, slight wind. And the dots being insect sounds or sirens or other unusual noises arising out of that. That probably would have been what I would've done. And for sketches [Sniff], it would have been a lot of noise texture still. It's hard to draw things at night. The lines between them get less distinct. There's slightly spikier things in the foreground, where I can see the grass, but beyond that it becomes indistinct. A smear. I might've tried to play with that: some spikes in the foreground and smears in the background. I might've drawn the clouds, more literalising the idea of sandbelts. I probably would have drawn the circle and then something spreading out from it, with a tent-like point in the centre moving out toward the sides. Showing that absence-of-membrane feeling. Or maybe would've drawn myself in it - in the centre of it - because I'm alone, there's no one here.